Today is the penultimate day of the school year here and quite frankly I am looking forward to having no excuse for not getting to the plots everyday. The paperwork has been laid to rest for a couple of weeks, although I can't leave it all Summer as it needs to be ready for the start of September. (Apologies typical workaholic teacher)
So here's the weekly, nearly 2 weekly round up!
As the title suggests our biggest success story since my last post is our shallots. We started off with 12 individual bulbs and have ended up with a draining board full! We lost some early on to rabbits however the crop more than makes up for those that Bugs Bunny's relatives pinched.
We've started cutting our flowers from the cut flowerbed. Decorated the fireplace, window sill, mantle piece and table with these beauties.
Having so many strawberries we were in a quandary as of how to best use them. Unfortunately quite a few have rotted on the plants as we could not pick them fast enough, however the remainder has been put to good use. We have started brewing our own strawberry wine :)
We have an abundance of peas and mange tout and CP has impressed her teacher by picking her own snack this week.
Cecelia has been removed for now and the area given a thorough weeding allowing everything to get going properly.
Our Avalon patio squash is training itself along the side of the greenhouse.
Our cucumbers are flowering and we have fruit forming on all three plants. We have one 'normal cucumber as JJ calls them and two crystal cucumbers.
The Turks Turban are flowering.
Our Tom-tato in the greenhouse is fruiting and the little P's are all fighting over who gets the first ripe tomatoes.
Despite what looks like potato blight the Charlotte potatoes are doing well and I am starting to dig them up a couple of plants at a time.
The disaster of the week is that our Kohl Rabi have split! As you can see from the picture I found a big slug munching on the middle. Very frustrating to say the least!
So what's next?
Plot 45:
Cecil needs a good weeding and we have cabbages ready to harvest.
The chard in the salad bed is as tall as me! It is also collapsing under its own weight. Time for trim.
There's the usual weeding etc. I have a butternut and a further Turks turban to plant.
Plot 47:
Plant the remainder of the plants sitting and waiting in the greenhouse.
Pick the loganberries and find an interesting recipe ;)
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