Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Blight or magnesium deficiency?

I've been growing potatoes for a while at home and last year in plot 45 and until now have been incredibly fortunate not to have had any problems. This year however I think we might have something to worry about.

During my evening watering I came across this plant not looking too happy. I noticed it was wilting before the weekend but had Bob watering them with the instruction to tell me if anything looked different. Obviously missed this one.

Is this the dreaded blight? I have 5 rows planted but only 1 plant is affected. I've not grown potatoes where this particular plant is before and we found no stray tubers when we took on the plot 2 years ago. Can anyone advise please?

Thanks for reading.


  1. Well that was exactly my thoughts about my potatoes as well.
    I've now had two plants go the same way. I elected to go with the assumption of the worst and burnt the stalks and leaves. Though the actual spuds are fine. Given the number of people in the allotment community who are reporting issues like this, it's either the weather causing the issues, or the spores really are getting out of hand.

    1. Cheers Dragon. It was reading your blog that brought my attention to it. Will try to get up there tonight and cut back the affected stems.

    2. Went and checked my plot tonight... and I have another showing brown blotches on the leaves. Yes, I suspect that the blight has hit.

    3. Had to remove the tops from half a dozen plants the other evening. Very frustrating. Keeping a close eye on the rest of them.
