Thursday, 2 July 2015

Pinch punch first of the month

So after a  busy week of birthdays, school concerts, end of year proms and scorching summer heat time for an update ;)

Everything is looking good on 45!

The flowerbed is properly edged and we have some perennials planted as well as annuals. The front has been strimmed, the holes filled in and Mark has relocated our plot sign to the middle, rather than the slightly relaxed position it's had laid in the corner for the last 12 months!

The mangetout are flowering and we have our first pods appearing, plus a few remaining plants we found hiding in the back of the greenhouse have been added to the bed in the hope they catch up soon.

The purple and yellow dwarf french beans are starting to flower and are finally looking much stronger than earlier in the season after being ravished by the local slugs.

Our peas are coming along nicely with flowers on most plants and the earlier plants being full of pods.

The blackcurrants are ripening and have been netted to keep the birds off as we don't want a repeat of last year!

We have had our first raspberries!

Our blueberry bush is full of fruit. Mark has avoided strimming round them so as not to disturb the fruit. (not to mention he stood on the bush last year!)

We have an abundance of some of the sweetest tasting strawberries we've ever had. We are picking around a kilo a day every day and there's no sign of running out any time soon! The little Ps have been taking them to school in their lunchboxes but really need to find another use. I don't want to waste any, they taste fantastic! So if anyone would like to share their favourite recipes it would be greatly appreciated.

So onto plot 47...

The gherkins are doing well, although we lost 3 last week to slug damage!

I planted some gherkin seeds directly into the soil to replace the damaged ones and they have been quick to make an appearance. Fingers crossed they're left alone this time.

Cucumelons are loving the heat and are growing quickly now.

 The flowerbed needs a tidy but it is not looking too bad and the flowers are blooming!

So what's next?

We still have lots of plants to transplant from the greenhouse, so this weeks mission is to finish getting them in during the cooler evenings as well as keeping everything hydrated in the heat. The temperature hit 35 according the car this afternoon !!!

Thanks for reading. :)

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