Tuesday 14 March 2017

Managed to grab a couple of hours at the allotment on Sunday afternoon. The sun was was bursting through the grey clouds giving a generous dose vitamin D to all those who wanted to blow away the cobwebs. I managed to get one last look at the crocuses before they went over and can't wait for my daffodils and tulips to open!

It's looking quite sparse in the flowerbed and the grass is sneaking back, but an hour of pulling grasd roots, some new spring plants and the flowerbed will be full of colour again.

It was great to get some time up there alone and really think about what I'm planting where and the next steps.

On a previous visit we backfilled the new raised beds with leaf mould. As this has now settled I felt it was time to take the top off the compost heap and start adding some of the good stuff.

We haven't used any of the compost off the compost heap since we started the allotment so it was interesting to see what it was like.

The compost looked fantastic and excuse the pun but the earthy smell was great.

Not being able to push the wheelbarrow, I had to come up with my own way of transporting the compost. 12 potato buckets  full later and I can genuinely question why did we build the compost bins at the back of the plot? There is definitely a lot to be said for keeping your compost bins in the middle of your plot or even better, have a few dotted around the site which are more accessible.

I only managed to back fill 2 beds but I am very pleased with this achievement! Next time I might be able to get one of the Little P's to do the wheel barrow and save my bruised leg from the knock of the bucket. Certainly earnt those bruises, however the 2 beds are looking great and are ready for planting!

Charlie Bear enjoyed a bit of freedom and was very good off his lead. He went visiting friends on neighbouring plots once, but when your friends offer you biscuits, it's rude not to go and say hello! :)

Although it seemed too early to leave, I decided the light was failing and it was time to call it a day. For the first time in years I am less bothered about losing an hours sleep, and more excited about the prospect of getting to stay out later. Reminds me of my teenage years, pre social media, where you went out to catch up with your friends and would stay out as long as you could. You made sure you were home before it got dark otherwise you were grounded! Quite calming to experience those memories. Makes me want to call my group of friends up and go meet them on the swings again.

The Little P's are getting to this stage and it gives such a warm, fuzzy feeling to see them enjoying a bit of freedom and racing around on bikes or 'chilling' with their friends.

That's enough reminiscing and getting mushy about childhood. As the sun sets, leaving a final burst of light through the clouds, casting rays of gold and red hue across the landscape, I call it a day. Moments like this leave you with a feeling calm.  Looking forward to my next day off so that I can get some more quality time up there.

Thanks for reading and keep digging :)

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