Wednesday, 28 December 2016

2016 has been a difficult year on plot 45 and 47. We have been hit by multiple injuries and illnesses which limited our ability to achieve what we set out to do this year.

The year started well (despite Mr P also being a one armed bandit,) pickling beetroot in January and sowing seeds ready for spring. I managed to dig the beds on 45 single handed and had started on 47 before I was struck down and am only now just about recovered.

The poor plots have looked unloved but there have been 3 successes, our strawberries; we were picking at least a kilo a day, which was turned into wine and jam, as well as puddings and school lunches. The garlic crop was our best so far and our shallots were pickled, cooked, kept for growing sets in spring and there's still a kilo leftover.

We had a reasonable crop of French beans and I have collected dried pods for next year's crop.

What have we got planned for next year? Getting some nutrients into the soil and looking at how we use the space we have are top of the agenda, anything else? Well we are still planning for next year so watch this space.

Best wishes from 6 P's on a plot and all the best for 2017.

Thanks for reading and keep digging :)


  1. I like looking back over a 'bad year' and remembering all the little successes that get lost along the way - that's why I like to blog.
    Best wishes for a great 2017 👏

    1. Thank you very much for your comment. You are absolutely correct, looking back over the posts this year shows a struggle but the small victories mean more. I hope you have a successful 2017. Best wishes Nikki 😊

  2. like yourself, I had my own trials and tribulations. I hope your Christmas went well. I hope you and your family have a very healthy and productive 2017.

    1. Hi Brian, thank you for all your comments over 2016. The little P's certainly had a most enjoyable Christmas and I finally switched off. Best wishes to you and your family and here's to a successful 2017 with fewer trials and tribulations 😊
