Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Spring bank week

So after being quite literally bogged down the weather finally broke and the allotment is drying out finally. (Well until the next heavy down pour)

Every time we go out to the allotment we always plan to do more than we actually manage to accomplish. We went at the weekend with plans to sheet between the raised beds and lay a layer of wood chips, weed and plant the ever growing collection of plants that we have gathered on our garden table and some more onion sets.

The reality was that we managed to weed and level our large planting areas, plant the onion sets and our courgettes, pumpkins and butternut squash plants have finally gone in. We still have our broccoli, purple sprouts, purple carrots leeks and beans to go in.

We are experimenting with where plant our tomatoes and cucumbers. We have made sure that the plants are well weathered and have planted the tomatoes in our first large bed. Normally we plant them in grow bags on our decking so decided this year as we had the allotment that we would try to grow them there. We are debating where to plant the cucumbers. If anyone has managed to get them to grow out doors we'd love to know how you did it.

Here's hoping we don't get flooded again this week.


  1. Ridge cucumbers are the ones to grow outdoors. Sow them into pots early and keep them undercover until the risk of frost has gone or cold weather/winds. Plant them out into deepish well fed soil away from areas where slugs/snails are likely to be, they love them. Water well until they are established and keep the soil around them hoed. Use a liquid tomato feed to feed them. Don't let them dry out in very hot weather. Dappled shaded areas are good for planting them in.

  2. Thanks Rooko. Not sure what type of cucumber they are, we were given them by one of our very kind neighbours on the plot. As we have 3 plants can experiment and keep one for when we finally manage to get the greenhouse up and running. So much to do still but enjoying the challenge. Will keep you posted. ��
