After another deluge of rain and finding myself with a sunny, free morning I decided to pay a visit to our allotment to see how badly flooded it was. (Again it was flooded but not as bad as the previous week.)
I spent some time thinking about what I wanted to do whilst I walked up. I decided the beds needed attention and being able to do this one handed decided to have a go at all of them.
When I got there I found that we had been visited by a cat who had decided that my salad bed made a good litter tray! Horrified I removed the offending faeces and pulled out the defecated plants. Luckily I had planned to replant the salad as it had gone to seed. My youngest has decided shes likes baby leaf red chard so we planted seeds and I transplanted 4 of the plants. She will enjoy going up and picking her own salad in a few weeks time.
They look very small but are strong plants. I also managed to net the bed to keep said offending cat off. ;-)
Had a look at the strawberries and pulled a few weeds out of the bed. Really pleased to see them starting to turn red.
Next time will take some straw to lift them. Also need to net them to keep the birds off.
Also noticed that some of our onions and a garlic had 'fallen over' and some had been attacked by something so decided to pull them out. They were the smallest ones on the plot but smelt fantastic. Can't wait to cook them.
Weeded our broad beans and found a few that will be picked and in the pot shortly. Loaded with flowers so we will be in beans for a while to come.
Only thing is think will need to build the height of the cage up as the plants are now taller than the frame.
Finally got to the roots bed to find our 50 carrot seeds which previously had grown into 3 carrots have now become one lonely carrot. I have got a tray of purple carrot seedlings ready to go in but until find the reason for disappearing carrots holding off. I've put a cage over the lone carrot, if still there by the end of the weekend the purple ones will join it. Also separated the beetroots as they were very cramped.
Good to get to a point with the raised beds where a couple of focused hours can keep on top of things, even better that hard work is paying off and starting to get produce :-)