Sunday, 15 November 2015

Autumn Review

November already? This year has flown by! As things are quietening down on the lottie I've decided to write monthly reviews instead of brief weekly roundups. (if I come across an interesting recipe I will try to share it sooner)

So what has been happening here on 45 and 47?

As well as the clearing and tidying for winter, we picked the last of our raspberries, Turks turbans and peas.

I also harvested the last of our sweet corn. I boil it for a few minutes then char it on a skillet pan. A firm favourite with the little Ps.

I scored this Turks Turban then baked it with dried chillies, garlic and a little olive oil. served with some veggie couscous, very tasty!

Our TomTato in the greenhouse is still fruiting in November! The one outside has finished and we are ready to reveal the potatoes. There was a sum total of 5 potatoes! The plant cost us a pound and we have had a good few punnets worth of tomatoes off the plant so can't complain.

I harvested our pears. We had a good carrier bag full of what Mr P calls 'micro pears' as they are small however they are very tasty.

We picked our lone pumpkin ready for Halloween. Last year we managed to grow 4 however this year we were less successful. We were given a small pumpkin to decorate at a Halloween event. Here's the Little P's efforts.

Once again our kitchen is overrun by plants. We had issues with our peppers, chillies and aubergines in the sense that they grew but just didn't develop to their full potential, so we have repotted them and brought them all home. They are now full of flowers and developing nicely.


We also brought the passion fruit home for winter as they were too small plant outside this year and I didn't want to risk overwintering them in the greenhouse. They could easily be mistaken for very young laurel plants as most of the leaves are still quite small and oblong.

So what else has been happening?

We had a birthday in the household. Homemade 4 layer vegan chocolate cake with a layer of chocolate ganache between each sponge layer and smothered on the outside. Finished off with skittles for decoration.

We have been on holiday to the Isle of Wight again. Our favourite things to do there? Robin Hill Country Park, we stayed until late an enjoyed their Festival of Light celebrations where the park is lit up. The little P's favourite part? Throwing neon paint powder at each other and climbing. Even Charlie disappeared up a ramp to go and investigate in the trees.

Some night time shots from around the park.


 And of course no visit would be complete without a trip to the Garlic Farm!

CP and JJ enjoyed decorating these Iberian bulbs. We have an Elsa and Supergarlic.

We went for a walk around the farm and saw a Red Squirrel scavenging. Unfortunately I wasn't quick enough to get a photo however the encounter is definitely something I will remember as I was a young child the last time I saw one. The farm is full of wildlife and little treasures to see dotted everywhere, like these pretty cornflowers.

So looking forward to Winter and next year.....

We saved some Elephant garlic cloves and a couple of Carcassonne bulbs which have been replanted. There are also shallots saved from this year. (I love how the Elephant garlic cloves dwarf this 5p piece and the large Carcassonne clove in this picture.)

We picked up a Red Duke bulb and a Vallelado bulb from the garlic farm which will be put in this week. Not to mention the Iberian bulbs CP and JJ decorated.;)

Our red brussel sprouts are forming nicely on the stem. This photo was taken at the beginning of October, they're now about the size of a penny. Fingers crossed they will be ready for Christmas.

At the garlic farm we also picked up some Longor Shallots however given the change in weather I will leave these until Spring.

So that's it for now. Thank you for reading. Happy Digging :)